Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Obituary for Rear Admiral Andrew Dunlap


Retired Officer Served More Than
43 Years in U.S. Navy.

Rear Admiral Andrew Dunlap, U.S.N., retired, died at the United States Naval Hospital at Washington yesterday afternoon. He returned to Washington six weeks ago from Pinehurst, N.C., where he had been for his health. Admiral Dunlap was born in Ovid, N.Y., on Oct 7, 1844, and graduated from the United States Naval Academy at the age of 23 years. He was made an Ensign in 1868, a Lieutenant in 1871, Lieutenant Commander in 1871, captain in 1902and Rear Admiral in June, 1905, when he retired at his own request after more than 43 years service.
Admiral Dunlap was in command of the ambulance and hospital ship Solace during the Spanish-American war and afterward commanded that vessel when she did transport work to the West Indies and the Philippines. He was Lighthouse Inspector of the Tenth District with headquarters at Buffalo from 1900 to 1902 and the following four years he was in command of the United States Naval Station at San Juan, Porto Rico. He was a member of the Military Order of Foreign Wars, United States Naval Institute, and the National Geological Society. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Ellen Grace Derby Adams of Boston.

The New York Times
Published: April 12, 1914

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