Wednesday, September 29, 2010

USS Solace

This is the history of the USS Solace commanded by Admiral Andrew Dunlap.

SOLACE was the first U.S. Naval vessel to be fitted out to the requirements of the Geneva Convention and to fly the Red Cross flag of Geneva. The vessel worked as a hospital ship during the Spanish American War.


Originally constructed in 1896 as the CREOLE for the Cromwell Steamship Lines, the vessel was acquired on April 7, 1898 by the U.S. Navy. Within sixteen days, she renamed SOLACE and fitted out as an "ambulance ship," complete with a large operating room, steam disinfecting apparatus, ice machine, steam laundry plant, cold storage rooms, and an elevator. She could accommodate two hundred patients in her berths, swinging cots and staterooms. Her hurricane deck was enclosed with canvas to be used as a contagious disease ward. The vessel's fresh water tanks held 37,000 gallons of fresh water, and her system of evaporators and distillers maintained the supply.  She was given gifts of supplies and equipment from groups such as the Rhode Island Sanitary and Relief Association and the National Society of  Colonial Dames, gaining an X-ray machine, a carbonating machine, etc. SOLACE's crew included a surgeon, three passed assistant surgeons, three hospital stewards (one of which was a skilled embalmer) eight trained nurses, a cook, four messmen and two laundrymen. The ship and her crew had "the honor of inaugurating antiseptic surgery at sea. "The vessel also had twenty contract nurses who were members of the Graduated Nurses' Protective association.
The vessel was commissioned on April 14, 1898 and placed under the command of Commander A. Dunlap. Her first trip took her out to the Cuban and Puerto Rican blockading squadrons where she collected the few men wounded in the bombardment of San Juan, and other sick or wounded among the fleet. On June 5, she arrived in New York with 57 sick and wounded men. She returned to the vicinity of Cuba in time take aboard the Marines wounded in the capture of Guantanamo, and then many Spanish wounded who had been taken aboard the BROOKLYN after the Spanish loss in the naval Battle of Santiago. She also took aboard an additional 44 army personnel at Siboney. On July 16, she landed the 44 army personnel, 48 wounded Spanish navymen and an additional 55 sick navymen at Hampton Roads, Virginia.

After being resupplied and outfitted with an additional ice machine in New York, she again steamed south to the war zone.  She picked up the navy sick from the waters around Cuba and those injured and wounded brought by the GLOUCESTER from Puerto Rico. After transporting these men to Boston, she underwent some repairs and then went back to Cuban waters. By now it was September and the fighting was over, but the need for SOLACE was greater than ever. With the outbreak of yellow fever and malaria among the troops in Cuba, the situation was quite grave. SOLACE was under orders to bring home as many of the sick as she could accommodate.

In February of 1899, she steamed for California, going by way of Europe, the Middle East, Far East, and Hawaii, reaching Mare Island on May 27, where she was overhauled. From July 1 1899 until October of 1905, she plied the waters of the Pacific, carrying mail, passengers and provisions. In 1905 SOLACE was decommissioned at Mare Island.

Recommissioned on June 3, 1908, the vessel traveled in the Pacific, before steaming to Charleston, South Carolina to be decommissioned again on April 14, 1909. Recommissioned the following November, she served off the east coast of the U.S. for the remainder of her career, with the single exception being a 1913 trip to France.

On January 1, 1919 the vessel aided in rescuing the crew of the NORTHERN PACIFIC of Fire Island, New York, which was returning from Europe with wounded World War One veterans. Despite heavy seas, after several days the SOLACE had removed 504 men and took them to safety at Hoboken, New Jersey.

Hospital Ship Solace


Ambulance Ship, AH-2


April 14,1898


Newport News  S. B. and D.D. Co. of Newport News, VA.

368 feet, 2 inches

44 feet

17 feet, 1 1/2inches

4,700 Tons
Gross Tonnage

3,801 tons

12 Officers and 110 Enlisted Men under Cmdr. A. Dunlap
Engine Type:

Single Screw, Vert. Triple Expansion Engines, 3,200 hp.
Bunker Capacity

800 tons

16 knots

1 comment:

  1. The Cawker City Museum has recently discovered a hat, knitted cap and ear muffs from the U. S. S. Solace. Unfortunately, the name of the shipman was not included and the lettering on the cap is illegible. We seek help in identifying the original owner of the artifacts. If you have any suggestions on how to search for the names of the crew members, please contact:
